STRMN Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota
Rescue, Rehabilitate, Rehome
Your donation will help
STRMN rescue a Shih Tzu
in need.  You may make a
tax deductable donation to
STRMN at P.O. Box 46562,
Eden Prairie, MN  55344

or through our secure
Paypal account. (You do not
have to have a Paypal
account to make a donation)
Shih Tzu Rescue Of Minnesota
P.O. Box 46562
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
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The 2024 STRMN Rescue Reunion
Photos are
now available!

Visit the STRMN YouTube channel for delightful videos featuring adopters, foster homes and board members.

First Saturday of every month
10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Petco Southtown location
7995 Southtown Dr.
Bloomington, MN 55431
(next to the MacDonald's)
[Click HERE for Directions]


Copyright © 2008-2025 STRMN Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota All Rights Reserved

Website Developed and Maintained by Website to the Rescue
Adoption Application for Dogs over 12 weeks of age

If you are interested in adopting one of our dogs,
please fill out the application below so we can know more about you
in order to place the right dog in your household.

Your application will be reviewed and
one of our volunteers will be contacting you.
Thank you!

If you are unable to submit this form, you can also download this
form in
Word or PDF Format.

(STRMN does not allow a person to apply for a dog to give as a gift)

*Please answer all questions

Personal Information  
Your Name
Co-Applicant Name, if any (if none, enter None)
City, State, Zip
Home Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Email Address
Best time to reach you
Your Occupation/Work Place

Household members, and their ages (including your own):

Do you have children other than those living at home, or grandchildren, that would be visiting frequently?
Briefly tell us why you want to adopt a Shih Tzu:
What type of home do you live in? Other Described
Do you Own or Rent?
Do you have a fenced in yard?
Describe your fence (type, height). If none, enter None.
If no fence, how will the dog get exercise or relieve itself?
Does your home have a swimming pool?
If Yes, is it fenced in?
Do you have restrictions regarding pets in your association or neighborhood?
Does your town or city have restrictions on the number of pets you can own?
Are you planning on moving in the near future?

If and when you move, will you look for housing where pets are allowed?

Are there smokers in the household?
(This breed has very short nasal passages, and because of this can be prone to respiratory and allergy issues. STRMN does NOT allow adoptions to homes with smokers. The dog’s future health is our priority.)


Briefly describe the dog you would like:  Age, gender, personality, etc.
Is there a particular dog we have up for adoption that you are interested in? 
If yes, which dog?
Would you consider adopting a pair if they can’t be separated?

Are you willing to adopt a dog that may have experienced some form of abuse or neglect that might require extra love and patience to get over some shyness and/or fears?

Are you willing to adopt a dog that has special medical needs and might require a special diet, medications (a pill, eye or ear drops) etc.?

Are you willing to consider a Shih Tzu Mix?
Have you ever had a Shih Tzu before? 

Care and Responsibilityy

Are you aware of the special grooming and common health problems of the Shih Tzu breed? 
Are you willing to pay a groomer to groom your Shih Tzu every 6-8 weeks?
Are you willing to brush the dog's coat daily, pluck the hair from inside the ears to prevent infection (performed by you, a Vet, or a groomer), and clean the eyes daily if necessary?
Can you commit to providing all necessary medical care for this dog for its lifetime? 

What provisions would you make for this dog if you were unable to care for it any longer?

How many hours would your dog be left alone each day?

Where will your dog be kept during the hours he/she is left alone?

If necessary, would you be able to come home after 4 hours to left the dog out to relieve itself, or make arrangements for someone else to do so?

Where will your Shih Tzu sleep at night?

How long will your Shih Tzu be left outside?

Who will have primary responsibility for caring for the dog?

Does anyone in your home have allergies or asthma? 
If Yes, please explain:
What will you do if a family member or current pet does not get along with your new Shih Tzu?
Are you willing to re-housetrain your Shih Tzu during the transition period in your home?
We cannot guarantee a dog is 100% housetrained. Most have begun housetraining in their foster homes; however, ALL dogs will have to be re-trained to some extent at their adoptive homes, due to a new sleeping and feeding routine. This not just for rescue dogs, ANY dog going to a new home will have to be re-trained at least to some extent!
Describe your method of discipline for a dog:
Are you able to physically walk/exercise a dog 2 times a day?
Are you willing to commit to doing this if this dog needs exercise?

Who will watch your dog when you are out of town or on vacation?


History of Pet Ownership


What dogs do you currently have? (please include name of dog, breed, gender, whether spayed or neutered, age, how long owned, and where kept), what year did you get them?

Dog's Name Breed Gender Spayed/Neutered Age

Do you have any other pets?  If yes, please describe:

Species: Breed: Gender: Spayed/Neutered Age
**Upon the advice of our Canine Eye Specialist, we are hesitant to adopt a Shih Tzu into homes with cats that are not declawed. This is because of the Shih Tzu protruding eyes, and their inquisitive, playful nature with many cats. However, each home will be evaluated individually in this regard.

Please list all the dogs you have had in the past and explain what happened to them (please include name of dog, breed, gender, whether spayed or neutered, age, how long owned, and what happened to them): 

Dog's Name Breed Gender Spayed/Neutered Age
How many years did you own this dog?
What happened to this dog?
Dog's Name Breed Gender Spayed/Neutered   Age
How many years did you own this dog?
What happened to this dog?
Dog's Name Breed Gender Spayed/Neutered   Age
How many years did you own this dog?
What happened to this dog?


Please provide THREE references, to include your Veterinarian and Groomer if you have one. Only 1 relative may be used. If you rent, you must include your landlord as a 4th reference. Please contact your references to let them know they may be called.

Best time to call:
Best time to call:
Reference #1  
How does this reference know you?
Best time to call:
Reference #2  
How does this reference know you?
Best time to call:
Reference #3  
How does this reference know you?
Best time to call:
Best time to call:
Please add any other additional comments you have that you feel will help us in evaluating this application:

(Check Here)  I certify that the above information is true and correct and I have not omitted any information.

By submitting this form to STRMN, this constitutes your electronic signature hereon. STRMN may also require that you submit an original signature via U.S. Mail Service.


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