STRMN Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota
Rescue, Rehabilitate, Rehome
Your donation will help
STRMN rescue a Shih Tzu
in need.  You may make a
tax deductable donation to
STRMN at P.O. Box 46562,
Eden Prairie, MN  55344

or through our secure
Paypal account. (You do not
have to have a Paypal
account to make a donation)
Shih Tzu Rescue Of Minnesota
P.O. Box 46562
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Follow us on

The 2024 STRMN Rescue Reunion
Photos are
now available!

Visit the STRMN YouTube channel for delightful videos featuring adopters, foster homes and board members.

First Saturday of every month
10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Petco Southtown location
7995 Southtown Dr.
Bloomington, MN 55431
(next to the MacDonald's)
[Click HERE for Directions]


Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in our organization. 
Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota is a group of dedicated volunteers committed to the rescue,
fostering and rehoming of Shih Tzus and Shih Tzu mixes.  We believe it is important for
the members of our group to be friendly, respectful and supportive of all the volunteers in our group. 
We work cooperatively with the members of our own group as well as other
rescue/shelter groups.  As a volunteer, you will be helping to save the lives of the
dogs we rescue and also sharing our mission with the public.

Please note that fostering a dog is a commitment that will require extra time from
you....sticking with the dog until he/she is adopted.  It will cost you very little, if any, money, but does require patience and diligence in the dog’s rehabilitation/training. 

Please fill out the application below so we can know more about you and your volunteer interests.
Thank you!

If you are unable to submit this form, you can also download this
form in
Word or PDF Format.
Copyright © 2008-2025 STRMN Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota All Rights Reserved

Website Developed and Maintained by Website to the Rescue
Your Age:
Cell Phone:
Home Phone:
The best time to reach me is:
The best method to reach me is: Phone  Email
I am interested in the following areas:  (Check all that applies) Foster Care
  Transport  (Driving your car to pick up a rescued dog and take him to his new foster home)
  Foster Support (taking dog to the vet or groomer, short term fostering, etc. )You need to be available during the day.
  Graphic Design - making up flyers/posters
  Other: Please complete the section below in regards to your talents and education.

I would like to volunteer with Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota because:

I have talents and education that would be useful in the following areas:

Please share any other information with us that would help us to know you as a volunteer.


If you would like to volunteer for Foster Care, please fill out the following:

Please note that fostering a dog is a commitment that will require extra time from you....sticking with the dog until he/she is adopted. It will require patience and diligence in the dog’s vetting, rehabilitation & training. STRMN will pay for food, vetting, and provide you with a harness and leash for the dog; we also have other dog supplies like gates and beds if you need it; but we cannot at this time pay for any transportation/gas costs incurred. We will also ask you to bring the dog to our PetCo Meet and Greet once a month. We will also ask you to be available for a Foster Home Orientation class and more advanced trainings throughout the year. Before you say “yes” to take a foster dog, please consider these things.

You are never obligated to take a dog if you feel you cannot follow through with him/her.

Type of Dwelling: If other, describe:
  If you live in a rental unit, we will need a letter from your landlord granting authority to foster a rescued dog on the property.
Do you have a fenced yard?
Please describe your fence (type, height):
Are you physically able to walk/exercise a dog 2 times a day?
Can you commit to doing so?
Do you have a space in your home to quarantine a foster dog if necessary?
Are you a smoker?
(Allergies/breathing issues may prevent some of our dogs from being in homes with smokers.)  
Please list the residents in your house (including yourself) and their ages:
Number of hours your foster dog will be left alone during the day:
Where will the dog stay when you are gone:
If you work full-time, if need be, could you come home at lunch or have someone check on the dog for you?

Other pets in your household (species, breed, sex, spayed/neutered, and age)

Species: Breed: Sex: Spayed/Neutered Age:

Please tell us about the pets you have had in the past and what happened to them:

Please let us know about the types of dogs you would like to foster: Please consider the time factor, exercise factor, and your experience with dogs.  We don't want you to have any "surprises". (Check all that applies)
No Preference  
Dogs with special medical needs  (we offer support)
Dogs with behavioral needs  (we offer support and professional training help!)
Senior Dogs (ages 10 or over)  
Dogs over age 3  
Dogs under age 3  
Do you have a gender preference?
How often would you like to foster a dog for rescue during the year? (there is no wrong answer)
Are you familiar with the grooming, dietary and medical needs of a Shih Tzu?
Is there any other information you would like to share with us about your desire to foster, or the type of Shih Tzu you would like to foster?


Please provide THREE references, including your Veterinarian if you have one.  Only 1 relative may be used.  Please contact your references to let them know they may be called.

Reference #1 - Veterinarian/Clinic:  
Best time to call:
Reference #2 - Groomer:  
Best time to call:
Reference #3  
How does this reference know you?
Best time to call:
Reference #4  
How does this reference know you?
Best time to call:

Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota Confidentiality Agreement

The volunteer acknowledges that he/she may gain access to Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota’s confidential and proprietary information, including, without limitation, mailing lists, personal information related to home addresses and telephone numbers of other volunteers and supporters of Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota, information regarding Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota’s relationship with shelters, and its policies and procedures.  By agreeing to be a volunteer for Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota, the volunteer agrees that he/she will not at any time disclose confidential information to any person or entity who is not an active Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota volunteer.  The volunteer agrees that this confidentiality provision shall survive regardless of whether or not the volunteer ceases his/her participation in and support of Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota.

has read the above Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota Volunteer Guidelines and agrees to comply with them.

Release and Hold Harmless

I fully understand and agree to assume all risks involved in any and all activities, tasks or duties that I perform for Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota in my volunteer capacity.  I also understand that the behavior of domestic animals may be unpredictable.  Knowing the risk of handling domestic animals, I agree to assume those risks and to release, discharge and hold harmless Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota, its volunteers, agents, officers and directors, and its or their successors, from any and all liability, claims and damages arising out of or as a consequence of, any injury or damages that may result to me or members of my household from any activity connected with volunteer activities for Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota. 

I agree to the above terms

(By checking the box above, and by submitting this form to STRMN, this constitutes your electronic signature hereon. STRMN may also require that you submit an original signature via U.S. Mail Service.)

You must enter the code shown below in the box below:

   Click for new image 
If you cannot read the code, click on the code for a new one