STRMN Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota
Rescue, Rehabilitate, Rehome
Your donation will help
STRMN rescue a Shih Tzu
in need.  You may make a
tax deductable donation to
STRMN at P.O. Box 46562,
Eden Prairie, MN  55344

or through our secure
Paypal account. (You do not
have to have a Paypal
account to make a donation)
Shih Tzu Rescue Of Minnesota
P.O. Box 46562
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
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The 2024 STRMN Rescue Reunion
Photos are
now available!

Visit the STRMN YouTube channel for delightful videos featuring adopters, foster homes and board members.

First Saturday of every month
10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Petco Southtown location
7995 Southtown Dr.
Bloomington, MN 55431
(next to the MacDonald's)
[Click HERE for Directions]


"Marley upon arrival
from his Puppy Mill"
"Marley after 1 month in STRMN Rescue"
Why Become a Foster Parent?
Why Become a Foster Parent:

You ask, what is a puppy mill survivor? It is a little girl or boy who has spent its entire life in a  
wire cage, more often than not with as many as ten other dogs. Some cages are so small that  
the dogs can’t even stand up and most have never been out of the cage, never touched the  
ground, much less grass. The food bowls are empty, and clean water and vet care are unheard  
of. Many often freeze to death or die of heatstroke or even floods because they have no  
protection from the elements. The females especially are bred over and over until there is barely  
any life left in their poor undernourished bodies. It is only when they can no longer produce many  
puppies that the puppy mill will finally release them, if they haven’t already died from giving birth.

When our rescue group receives the mill babies they are terrified as they have had very little  
human contact and in many cases have been abused. Their coats are full of urine and feces and  
are so matted they have to be shaved down to their skin. They have never been bathed other  
than receiving a powerful and painful spray of ice cold water from a hose. Many have rotten  
teeth, infections, and other health problems. As a rescue foster home, we bring these helpless  
little ones into our care, get them vetted, which includes spaying and neutering, and bring them  
back to good health. All vetting is paid for by our rescue organization. You may ask if there are  
personal expenses. Yes, there are some expenses borne by the foster home, i.e. mileage, food,  
and some supplies such as collars, and leashes, but they are all tax deductible.

After as little as a couple of weeks in foster care you look, and what do you see? A beautiful  
flower has begun to bloom right before your eyes. The soft coat is growing out, the wonderful  
Shih Tzu personality shines through - the fear is lessening, trust is beginning to build, kisses and  
more kisses, playing with toys and learning all the new and wonderful adventures of life. The  
memories of horror in the mill are fading into the distance, all because of a foster mom/dad’s  
love and care. The wonderful feeling that comes from giving a puppy mill dog a new life is  
immeasurable; you did this for a deserving dog and now your foster dog can be placed in a loving  

As a new foster parent, you will have an experienced foster mom/dad (mentor) working with you  
every step of the way until you are comfortable with the process. You will enjoy the lasting  
friendships that are made with other volunteers. The rewards are too numerous to mention.
Each Shih Tzu is special and unique in its own way and gives unconditional love. So, won’t you  
please open your heart and your home to save a Shih Tzu from a life of unheard horrors or even  
worse, a slow and painful death?

Click on the link to apply to become a foster home!
Marley, pictured here, is a puppy mill survivor rescued by STRMN, and the reason we need your help in being a foster home for these innocent creatures. Mills all over the country are thankfully being closed down but leaving hundreds of dogs starving and in need of food and shelter. STRMN could rescue dozens more if we only had more people willing to open their homes and hearts by fostering. Please answer our call to become a foster home. Please click below to read in detail a volunteer's story of "Why Foster?"
Copyright © 2008-2025 STRMN Shih Tzu Rescue of Minnesota All Rights Reserved

Website Developed and Maintained by Website to the Rescue